One time

Learn how to become a well dressed woman and curate a personal style and wardrobe that you absolutely love. This mini course will cover everything from helping you identify and develop your personal style to building a timeless wardrobe, shopping intentionally, and creating outfit formulas that take the guess work out of getting dressed everyday.

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What is enclothed cognition?

Enclothed cognition is the concept that the clothes we wear have a direct impact on our thoughts, behaviors, and overall mood. This phenomenon has been studied extensively in the field of social psychology, and the results have shown that the clothes we wear can have a profound effect on our mindset and actions.

Research has shown that wearing certain clothes can make us feel more confident, powerful, and even smarter. For example, a study conducted by the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University found that wearing a white lab coat can improve cognitive performance. In the study, participants who wore a white lab coat identified as a doctor's coat performed better on a test of selective attention than those who wore the same coat but were told it was a painter's coat.

Similarly, a study conducted by the University of Hertfordshire found that wearing a suit can make people feel more powerful and in control. The study found that participants who wore a suit performed better in negotiations and were more likely to be perceived as confident and competent.

How does enclothed cognition work?

The theory suggests that the clothes we wear have symbolic meaning, and that this meaning can affect our thoughts and behaviors. For example, wearing a suit can symbolize professionalism and competence, which can lead to increased confidence and better performance in professional settings. Conversely, wearing a casual outfit can symbolize relaxation and informality, which can lead to a more laid-back and carefree attitude.

It's important to note that enclothed cognition isn't just limited to professional or formal wear. Any type of clothing can have a symbolic meaning and affect our mood and behavior. For example, wearing workout clothes can symbolize fitness and health, which can lead to a more active and motivated mindset. Similarly, wearing bright colors or bold prints can symbolize creativity and fun, which can lead to a more playful and lighthearted attitude.

Who does enclothed cognition impact?

Enclothed cognition can also have a social aspect. Research has shown that we make assumptions about people based on their clothing, and that these assumptions can affect our interactions with them. For example, a person wearing a suit may be perceived as more competent and authoritative, while a person wearing casual clothing may be seen as more approachable and friendly. These assumptions can lead to different types of interactions and relationships with others.

In conclusion, enclothed cognition is a fascinating concept that highlights the powerful impact that our clothing choices can have on our thoughts, behaviors, and overall mood. It's important to be mindful of the symbolic meaning of the clothes we wear, and to choose clothing that aligns with our desired mindset and goals. By understanding the power of enclothed cognition, we can use our clothing to our advantage and create a positive and confident mindset.


